
(Social Platform for Authors & Readers)

Innevo is created to connect authors with their readers much more easily where they can communicate on their upcoming books, invite to virtual book signings, communities, live events, advertising, all in on place.

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Our task was to create a platform where authors and readers can meet and chat about their book and socialize. Supports pretty much all books that are available for purchase. Live events where authors can do video conferencing with their readers


LAMP, PHP, Python, Google API, HTML/CSS/PHP, CodeIgniter


Creating a collection of all of the books and tracking where they are being sold, their future releases, and just finding all of the books written in the past 50 years was all a challenge. So we decided to create our own crawler combining some publicly available APIs, and writing a crawler that will crawl public book catalogues on a regular (approved) intervals, and book stores in a non-intrusive manner. We built our crawler in Python and it also served as the API that can crawl books based on a query, and return structured data accounting for multiple variations and version histories.


Book Detail
Author Profile
Community Detail
Live Event